Bury Grammar Shines Bright Like a Diamond

With a major change to the structure of their school, Bury Grammar School contacted The Media Collective to help them develop new marketing materials to help explain their shift from a single-sex school, to co-ed. As part of this, we discussed strategies for their messaging so that it was clear, concise and easy for parents to understand.

Once the updated messaging was established, we were tasked with creating an information pack which was to be distributed to parents and clearly explained the new dynamic within the Primary and Sixth Form departments, as these were the two areas which were primarily affected by the new school structure.

When designing the new logo, we wanted to ensure that each department was distinguishable from one another, whilst also maintaining cohesion and a clearly defined brand within the school.

Part of this rebranding was the creation of a diamond theme to ensure it captured the essence of the school structure seamlessly while being an easily understood visual for people to understand, as students start off their school career in the co-ed Primary school, then separate into single-sex departments during their Senior years and finally rejoin one another in the co-ed Sixth Form.
With diamonds also being representative of strength and success, this is a perfect emblem for the school.

As a result of the work we have completed thus far with Bury Grammar School, we’re extremely proud to learn that they have been nominated for Best Marketing in the Independent Schools Awards, with the finalists being announced on the 7th of September.
We will be waiting with bated breath for the outcome, and wish them every success.

Regardless of the outcome, the branding work we have done for Bury has been nothing short of a success, and we are excited to continue working alongside them as we carry out further work within the school: bringing the updated visuals to life throughout the departments in the way of wall graphics, wall boards and panel displays.

If you would like to discuss any branding and marketing needs with us, we would love to hear from you.